Think while you do your dishes - Water Bottling

From the Mountains to the Sea, Art & Science 2019

Series of Teatowels, designed in collaboration with Adan E. Suazo of the Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies at Otago University, woven by Christine Keller and Hope Duncan.

100% Cotton

We have to change. In our attitude to objects, consume and agriculture.

In response to the research of Adan E. Suazo who told me about conflict arising when people sell their water rights. I am deeply concerned about the future consequences of selling off our rights to water and food to entities ouside New Zealand.

The labels on the towel link you to the website of which is a group of brave men and women fighting for our water rights to stay within the country and the people. The colours are inspired by the colours of images of bottled water, pin stripes /money, and river coloured prison bars. These bars represent my worry that once those rights are gone for us, we are stuck with the consequences.

I hope that I can interest more people to buy less, buy local and treat their objects well enough to last a very long time.

During the last few years I started the production of hand woven Kitchentowels in Dunedin. They are simple everyday objects which cost much more than their mass-produced sisters due to time and effort gone into them. They have added value due to the touch­­ of the maker. They are good at what they do – they dry dishes they give pleasure. They are an individual object which has been made by a local human.